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사스카츄완 폴리텍

사스카치완주 6개월 근무하면 영주권 신청

by 모리's 2013. 3. 20.

캐나다 사스카치완 주 주정부 유학후 이민 안내

유학 후 이민으로 각광받고 있는 사스카치완 주정부 이민 안내드립니다. 사스카치완 주 지역에서 1년단기 과정 혹은 2년 디플로마 과정을 공부 후 6개월 근무 경력, 잡오퍼 레터가 있으면 주정부 이민 신청이 가능하십니다. 근무 경력은 전공과 무관해도 되며 on-campus, co-op, off-campus에서 일한 경력도 인정해주니 학기 중에 공부하면서 근무 경력을 쌓으신다면 졸업 후 빠르게 이민 신청이 가능하답니다. 2014년 부터는 학생비자 소지자의 경우 워크 퍼밋 없이 학기 중에는 20시간 일을 할 수 있으니 졸업과 동시에 이민 신청이 가능한거죠.



Post-Graduation Work Permit Stream 

You may qualify to apply under the SINP Student Category: Post-Graduation Work Permit Stream if:

  1. You have graduated with a certificate, diploma or degree from a recognized post-secondary educational institution in Canada.  The program must have been equivalent to at least one academic year (eight months) of full-time study.
  2. If you graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution in Saskatchewan you must have worked for at least six months (with minimum 960 hours) of paid employment in Saskatchewan. If you have graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution outside of Saskatchewan you must have worked for 12 consecutive months of paid full time employment (with a minimum of 1920 hours) in Saskatchewan after graduation.
    * Eligible types of work experience in Saskatchewan include on- campus, off-campus, co-op terms, graduate fellowships that can be verified by your institution, and work experience gained on a post-graduate work permit.
  3. You have applied for and received a post-graduation work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
  4. You have a current, permanent, full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer.  The job offer does not have to relate to your studies.
  5. If your job offer falls into a NOC C or D, you must have a minimum of Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) 4 or higher English Language ability across all 4 categories (listening, speaking, reading and writing).