
캐나다컬리지 " 나이아가라컬리지" 2013년도 9월학기 지원가능한 프로그램

모리's 2013. 5. 23. 10:04

[캐나다컬리지- 나이아가라 컬리지 2013년도 9월학기 지원가능한 프로그램]


캐나다 나이아가라 컬리지  2013년 9월학기 오픈되어 있는 프로그램 리스트입니다. 9월학기에 입학을 희망하시는 분들은 아래의 오픈되어 있는 학과들을 한번 확인해주세요.



- Business - International Business                                
- Business - Sales and Marketing                                
- Computer Programmer                                
- Computer Programmer Analyst (Co-op)                                
- Electrical Engineering Technician                                
- Electrical Engineering Technology                                
- Electrical Techniques                                
- Electronics Engineering Technician                                
- Electronics Engineering Technology                                
- Environmental Technician - Field and Laboratory (Co-op)                                
- Greenhouse Technician (Co-op)                                
- Horticultural Technician (Co-op)                                
- Journalism                                
- Landscape Horticulture Techniques                                


- Landscape Technician (Co-op)                                
- Photonics (Laser)Engineering
- Technology                                
- Police Foundations                                
- Protection, Security and Investigation                                
- Recreation and Leisure Services                                
- Recreation Therapy                                 
- Renewable Energies Technician        


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