[밴쿠버명문 공립커뮤니티 컬리지 VCC - Culinary Arts]
Vancouver Community College (VCC) - Culinary Arts Certificate
캐나다 밴쿠버명문공립 커뮤니티 컬리지 VCC의 인기학과인 culinary arts 프로그램에 대해 알아보도록 할께요~ VCC의 요리학과의 경우 다양한 국내외 대회에서 수상경력이 있는 교수진들이 교육을 담당하고 있습니다. 워낙 인기학과로 최소 10개월에서 12개월전에 신청을 해야 입학이 가능합니다.
프로그램은 학교웹싸이트에 명시되어 있는것과 같이 프로그램 교육 과정은 11개월이며 매일 이론수업과 실습수업을 병행하여 각 단계별 요리과정에 대해 공부하게 되는데요. 수업 시작 첫달에는 이론과 실습과정이 5:5비율로 진행되며 수업과정 10개월과 11개월에는 실습수업이 100%로 진행됩니다. 그외에 수업달에는 이론 25% 실습 75%로 진행됩니다. 교육과정을 살펴보았을때 이론수업보다는 실습위주의 수업으로 진행된다고 보여지네요 과정 졸업을 하기위해서는 모든 과목에서 최소 70% 점수를 획득해야합니다.
The program consists of 11 stages of professional cook training. Each month, students move into specifically designed kitchens to learn all aspects of the provincial cooking curriculum, including a dining room component. Daily lectures and practical demonstrations are carefully designed to cover the topics at each stage of training. Most daily training plans (with the exception of the first month) are designed to give students approximately 75% practical hands-on food preparation experience and 25% theory (the first month is based on 50% practical and 50% theory, while months 10 and 11 are based on 100% practical evaluation). In the first three months, students gain general knowledge of the specific sections of cook training. In the next four months, students work with specialty items and further increase their skills with à la carte and banquet items. Students are required to achieve a minimum 70% on all courses and exams. Class times will vary month to month, from early morning to early afternoon, and from early afternoon to early evening. 졸업 후 취업률: 86% Term 1 Safety, Sanitation & Equipment Vegetable,Egg,Starch, Pasta Baking and Desserts 1
Dining Room Service Procedures Soups, Vegetables, Starches & Salads Vegetables, Starches & Soups 1 Entrees and Sauses 2
Culinary Arts 프로그램 교육과정
Basic Kitchen Skills
Hot & Cold Sandwich Prep
Hot & Cold Breakfast Cooking
Kitchen Management & Health Care
Stock, Soup & Sauce Cooking
Cold Kitchen
Vegetable and Starch Cooking
Meat and Poultry Cooking
Seafood Cooking
Vegetarian Entrees, Pasta & Soup
Meat, Poultry, Seafood Cooking
Meat, Poultry, Seafood Cutting
Term 2
Alcoholic Beverage Service
Appetizers and Hors d'oeuvres
Specialty Desserts
Kitchen Management & Nutrition
Meat, Poultry, Seafood Entrees
Appetizers and Salads
Entrees and Sauses 1
Baking and Desserts 2
Baking and Desserts 3
Appetizers, Salads, Buffet Prep
Vegetables, Starches & Soups 2
프로그램 입학조건
- Canadian Language Benchmarked : Listening 7, Speaking 7, Reading 7, and Writing 6.
- TOEFL iBT 68 or IELTS Academic Module 5.5 (no band less than 5)**
- BC Food Safe Certificate Level1
- Approximately CAD$19,320.25*
Total fees include*:
Tuition fee of $18,109.52, College initiative fee of $102.52, Student union fee of $50.36,
Student union health plan fee of $150.52, Student union dental plan fee of $143.33,
Uniform purchase of $379, U-PASS $385
Additional costs*: Textbooks and supplies are approximately $610
*Tuition fees and other fees are approximate and subject to change due to yearly increases without notice. Students will be required to pay increased rates if the fees change at any time during the period of enrolment
in the program. The application fee of $125 is non-refundable.
블로그의 모든 글 무단 복사 및 배포시 법적인 제제를 받을 수 있습니다.
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