[밴쿠버 공립 커뮤니티 컬리지 VCC - 요리학과]
Vancouver Community College - Culinary Arts (Diploma)
오늘은 밴쿠버 대표 공립컬리지 VCC의 요리학과 Diploma 과정을 소개해드릴께요. 그동안 VCC 에서는 certificate 과정만 국제학생의 입학을 허용했었는데. 이번에 diploma 과정을 오픈하여 넘넘 기쁘네요~ VCC의 culinary arts 프로그램의 기간은 총 17개월 과정이며 여기에는 1개월의 practicum이 포함되어 있답니다. VCC 요리학과의 경우 입학조건이 토론토 지역의 학교에 비해 조금 낮은 IELTS 5.5/ 토플 68으로 영어때문에 고민이신 분들도 지원하기 용이하답니다. 요리학과 수업이 진행되는 캠퍼스는 Broadway 랍니다. 학교입학은 매년 3월과 9월학기에 가능하세요. 아래는 학교사이트에 명시되어 있는 프로그램 간략 설명이오니 한번 읽어보세요~
The Culinary Arts Diploma program is designed to meet the need for qualified cooks in the hospitality industry. Graduates will be able to obtain employment as line cooks or third cooks in hotel kitchens, restaurants, catering companies, airport flight kitchens, trains, cruise ships, camps and institutional kitchens. The diploma focuses on practical skill development and is delivered primarily in VCC kitchens and food service outlets. Students spend one month in each of the teaching kitchens and service outlets where instructional activities include demonstration, hands-on practice, and group discussion. Culinary theory is taught in a classroom setting and uses a combination of lecture, class discussion, and independent study to promote the development of professional practice in the food industry. This program consists of 17 continuous months. It includes a 1-month practicum.
Culinary Arts Diploma
Program Length: 17 continuous months (includes a 1-month practicum)
Start Date: March 2014, September 2014
Location: Broadway campus
Total Fees: Approximately CAD$28,602.12*
Total fees include*:
Tuition fee of $26,958.49, College initiative fee of $152.62, Student union fee of $100.72, Student union
health plan fee of $213.24, Student union dental plan fee of $203.05, Uniform purchase of $379, U-PASS $595 Additional costs*: Textbooks and supplies are approximately $822.17
프로그램 교육 과정 - VCC Culinary Arts Diploma
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